Podcast & Media Interviews
Success Habits of Super Achievers Podcast
Marketing and promoter specialist Kyle Wilson interviews Dr. Amy Novotny to dive into all the ways the PABR® Method has helped a variety of people. Kyle is the founder of Jim Rohn International, YourSuccessStore.com, LessonsFromNetwork.com and KyleWilson.com. He has worked with the top names in the personal development industry including his 18 year biz partner, friend, and mentor Jim Rohn, as well as Og Mandino, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Darren Hardy, Robin Sharma and many others. Kyle is the author of 52 Lessons I Learned from Jim Rohn and Other Great Legends I Promoted! and partnered with Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield on Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur’s Soul. Please visit his website at www.kylewilson.com.
The Thoughtful Entrepreneur Podcast
Dr. Amy Novotny is interviewed by host Jen Amos on the Thoughtful Entrepreneur podcast. They discuss how spending hours on the computer and using Zoom can contribute to being in fight or fight mode that can lead to pain, stress and anxiety. Dr. Novotny also describes how to sit correctly in a chair to help with energy, attention and focus for improving performance. She also shares how to pivot a business in the middle of a pandemic. The Thoughtful Entrepreneur podcast, founded by Josh Elledge, airs 7 days per week and covers topics including scaling challenges, leaderships, funding, marketing and sales. Please check out more episodes at https://upmyinfluence.com/podcast/.
Real Estate Espresso Podcast
Real estate investor and syndicator, Victor Menasce, hosts Dr. Amy Novotny to discuss how the PABR® Method is used to help entrepreneurs with their stress. Before going into real estate investment, Victor spent 25 years in the high tech industry, filling roles as Vice President of Engineering at Wavesat, a developer of chips for wireless networks, and Chief Technical Officer at Applied Micro Circuits Corporation, to name a few. His show, The Real Estate Espresso Podcast, gives you daily short episodes on what’s happening in the world of real estate. Please check out his website: http://www.victorjm.com/podcast/.
The Yogi M.D. Podcast
Retired pathologist and Yogi M.D. founder, Dr. Nadine Kelly, interviews Dr. Amy Novotny to discuss the power of breathing on pain relief. They discuss how Dr. Amy studied breathing to stop having pain and increase running speed as well as examples of clients who have avoided surgery, decreased the use of medications, and diminished stress using PABR. The YOGI M.D. Podcast empowers the mature woman to make her health a priority in order to thrive in all stages of life. Dr. Kelly interviews experts to expand her definition of health to include physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual well being. Please visit her website: https://yogimd.net/podcast.
The Twin Cities Wellness Collective™ Podcast
Financial advisor, Alex Morrall, interviews Dr. Amy Novotny to share how the PABR® Method frees people from pain. The Twin Cities Wellness Collective™ Podcast hosts entrepreneurs, local experts, and those who have transformed their personal well-being to share their stories and help others in Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and beyond live higher quality lives. Their primary goal is to provide listeners with actionable advice that they can implement into their own life and improve their personal well-being. They believe that a willingness to help others find success will bring about our own. Please visit his website here.
Speaker, women’s coach, 2x TEDx presenter and best-selling author, Olenka Cullinan, discusses how we can calm our body and stresses using the PABR® Method with Dr. Amy Novotny. Olenka shares her powerful experience after a one-on-one session with Dr. Amy and explains how you can use this technique to improve how you feel, an important consideration in owning and building a business. The iStartFirst Podcast, much like the brand, is the place designed for Bossbabes who start: ideas, businesses, dreams, and lifestyle! Olenka’s personal story of coming to the United States with $450 in her pocket and starting multiple successful businesses is more than inspiring. She is a woman to follow. Please check out her website at https://istartfirst.com/.
Take It From the Iron Woman Podcast
Consultant and global executive coach, Susanne Mueller is both a marathoner and an Ironman triathlon finisher who seeks to understand Dr. Amy Novotny’s journey from no running background to walking on a treadmill to running a half marathon, marathon, Ironman triathlon and then 100 mile ultra-marathon within a few years. She follows this up with another interview about how to use the PABR® breathing method for running to keep you pain free for long distance running. Susanne hosts the Take It From The Iron Woman podcast, a show designed to inspire and empower others through stories from every day smart, sophisticated, trendy, hip, energetic people from around the world. She seeks to reveal the magic superpower in her guests who make changes in this world. She speaks German, French and English, allowing her to communicate with and reach audiences from all over the world. Please visit her website at: https://www.susannemueller.biz/.
Divine Reset Interview
Host of Divine Reset movement, Lynanne Cottle seeks to help women around the world obtain “forever happiness” and interviews Dr. Amy Novotny for her YouTube channel to help her viewers who seek relief from the daily life stresses, anxiety and pain. She began this mission to help others after developing an auto immune disease 5 years ago that knocked her down. She struggled with her weight and health with unpredictable emotions that made being a wife and a mother difficult. She finally found a deep inner peace despite the chaos of modern life and was able to create happier relationships. She has a heart of gold and wants to help as many as possible. Please visit her website at https://www.facebook.com/DivineRESET.
Next Level Parenting Pocast Interview
Former Outward Bound instructor, massage therapist and mother of 5, Catherine Lynch interviews Dr. Amy Novotny about how to use breath and body work to calm down both parents and their children to combat the stresses of daily life. Catherine’s podcast, Next Level Parenting, offers daily inspiration, introspection and strategies to help energize, inspire, and give you hope in the world of parenting. Click here to access the podcast. Please reach Catherine at https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherine-lynch-a51a8088/.
Frenzied To Financial Freedom Podcast Interview
Colorado-based marketing expert, Kristen Beatty, and real estate specialist, Stephanie Wankel, interview Dr. Amy Novotny for their podcast, Frenzied to Financial Freedom. They discuss how to find freedom from physical and emotional pain with some tips on breathing to maximize this freedom. Kristen and Stephanie have a passion to help professional women escape their “frenzied” lives by achieving financial freedom through creating side hustles, juggling entrepreneurial pursuits, finding balance in the corporate world and investing in real estate. Please visit their podcast website at http://frenzied2freedom.libsyn.com/.
Real Life Real Equity Podcast
Justin and Keisha Brooks, an entrepreneurial couple with almost a decade of experience in real estate investing and business interview Dr. Amy Novotny about her journey as a new entrepreneur this year. Justin, a US Navy Veteran and Keisha, an alumni of Columbia College operate a real estate investment fund (REIF) that specializes in developing Assisted Living Homes. They manage a multi-million dollar portfolio of assets. They wanted to share the PABR Method ™ with their listeners who are often in high-stress situations with their businesses. Please visit their website at https://realliferealequity.com/home.
Interview with 2-time US Memory Champion & Speaker, Ron White
Ron White, two-time US memory champion and founder of Black Belt Memory, interviews Dr. Amy Novotny about how breathing can affect anxiety, focus and memory. He posted this interview on his YouTube channel that has almost 300,000 subscribers who benefit from his videos on memory tips and more. He was interested in how the PABR® Method can help him and his viewers combat the stress and anxiety that plagues so many of us in this fast-paced world. Ron is one of the top memory experts in the world and has been featured on the History Channel show Stan Lee’s “Super Humans” as The Memory Expert, the National Geographic Channel show “Brain Games” as their memory expert in season 1, Good Morning America, Martha Stewart Show, FOX and Friends, the CBS Evening News, CBS Early Show, FOX and NBC. He is well known for memorizing the names of more than 2,300 American service members killed in Afghanistan and recently wrote out the names on Fox News on July 4, 2019. Please visit his website to learn more: https://ronwhitetraining.com/
ABC15 Sonoran Living Segment -
July 31, 2019
Dr. Amy Novotny explains the PABR method to ABC15’s Sonoran Living host, Terri Ouellette interviews Dr. Amy Novotny about the PABR Method™ and how it provides relief to clients suffereing from pain, sleep deprivation, stress, anxiety and more. Dr. Muriel McClellan joins the interview to talk about how she canceled her knee replacement surgery after seeing Dr. Amy for a few visits, despite being bone-on-bone and having tried cortisone injections, anti-inflammatories and more. She has been pain-free since 2016 and off all anti-inflammatory medications. Terri then discusses how she became a client of Dr. Amy after recording this show to help with esophageal issues and has noticed the benefit! Sonoran Living airs on weekdays at 9:00am for a full hour and features local Arizona business and ideas that help their viewers. Please visit their website, https://www.abc15.com/sonoranliving, for more information.
“Tell Me Your Story” Radio Show/Podcast Interview
Richard Dugan, radio/podcast host of Tell Me Your Story based in Santa Barbara, California interviews Dr. Amy Novotny about pain, inflammation, diet, stress and health in general. Richard has been interviewing artists, scientists, healthcare providers, innovators and more for over 30 years. His radio show has been on air since 2007 with the mission “to bring as many different points of view, from around the circle, into your view, to assist you in expanding your life and living. To assist in the positive evolution of mankind and bringing about a greater awareness of self and others in order to create the kind of world YOU want. A world in which we all can search for, find and fulfill our 'first best destiny'.” Please listen to the interview above to learn more about your body and visit the Tell Me Your Story website to listen to more of Richard’s interviews here and support his mission.
ABC15’s Sonoran Living Interview Recording
Dr. Amy Novotny explains the PABR® Method to ABC15’s Sonoran Living hosts, Susan Casper and Terri Ouellette prior to recording the show segment. Sonoran Living airs on weekdays at 9:00am for a full hour and features local Arizona business and ideas that help their viewers. Please visit their website, https://www.abc15.com/sonoranliving, for more information. The interview will go on air soon and include some actual breathing tips and a client testimonial who avoided a knee replacement surgery after eliminating her knee pain after just a few visits with Dr. Amy! Stay tuned!
Dr. Sky Radio Interview
Steve Kates, a.k.a. “Dr. Sky,” a radio and television personality based in Phoenix, Arizona interviews Dr. Amy Novotny about the PABR® Institute, marathon and ultra-marathon running and photography. Dr. Sky can be seen on a regular basis on programs including 3TV’s “Good Morning Arizona” and Fox 10′s “Arizona Morning”, sharing the secrets of the night sky and other related events. In the radio world, he has been a contributor to programs including KFYI’s Wake Up Arizona and has been a regular with KXAM’s 1310 AM radio personality Bill Straus, “Straus’ Place.” His Dr. Sky radio show has educated listeners for over 10 years on topics of astronomy, weather, space, aviation as well as health and nutrition. Dr. Amy has personally attended many of his astronomy events over the years to learn about the night sky. Please visit http://ktar.com/category/dr-sky-blog/ to learn more, attend his local events throughout Arizona and to listen to his educational programs.
Interview with Professional Speaker and Trainer, Sean G. Murphy
Professional trainer, awakener and inspirational speaker, Sean G. Murphy, interview Dr. Amy Novotny about her PABR® method of treatment after hearing her speak and present at Kyle Wilson’s Inner Circle Mastermind (https://kylewilson.com) in Dallas, Texas. Sean has 30+ years of experience in the mastery of sales training and in an expert in motivation, inspiration and accountability. He is the founder of Mental Profits, a training and consulting company that takes marketing messages and marketing content and turns it into client acquisition and increased sales volume. Please learn more about Sean at http://www.seangmurphy.com.
The PABR® method is a holistic approach to restoring the body to its full potential by using the body’s nervous system.
Learn more about the PABR® method.